Contemporary Grass Rugs from Dhesja

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Contemporary Grass Rugs from Dhesja

Contemporary Grass Rugs from Dhesja

This image is titled Contemporary Grass Rugs from Dhesja and is attached to our interior design article about Contemporary Rugs by Dhesja. You can check out the article for more great ideas about Contemporary Grass Rugs from Dhesja, find other related photos from the same post below, or even read some of our other interior design guides.
Contemporary Rugs by Dhesja

Excerpt from our Contemporary Rugs by Dhesja article:

Floors in your home never again have to look dull. Today Ghoofie is bringing your attention to Dhesja, a contemporary rugs designer that will make your friends jealous. Whether you choose bright or dark colors, these designs of these rugs will fit any interior decorating style you prefer. These rugs aren’t the kind that are used to cover the scratches in your floors or imperfections in your tiles — these beautifully and creatively designed rugs can easily become the focal point... Read full article »